Dynamic Drain Technologies just wrapped up a successful 4 day high pressure water jetting and CCTV pipe inspection project in Hopewell, VA. The project was for KRS Holdings based out of Richmond, VA. KRS is a property management and real estate company. We were contacted by KRS last month, they had two properties in the small town of Hopewell VA that were currently condemned due to constant sewer backups. The managers at KRS had no sewer plans or prints and could not come up with a viable plan to evaluate and fix the constant sewer backups. We dispatched two of our best technicians along with a fleet of Mongoose sewer jetting technologies and Vivax sewer inspecting and locating technologies. Before the arrival of the technicians, our in-house engineers printed out a real time satellite image via Google Earth of the two properties. These images included the apartment buildings and the surrounding parking lots. Once on site our technicians were able to utilize the sewer cleaning and CCTV technologies to remove all clogs and evaluate the condition of the sewer systems. Most importantly we were able to generate a full evaluation of the two sewer systems and generate new sets of digital imagery plans for our client. We suppled KRS holdings with a digital map outlining the exact point of their sewers. And a individual report of each pipeline that was cleaned and inspected along with the digital inspetion video. These maps and in depth evaluations come with our general pipe cleaning and televising services.